the largest having a round and pierced back with engraved Cyrillic lettering on lid, 1891, bearing Moscow city mark, marked 84 silver, maker's mark "JK" in Cyrillic; the second having a rounded scalloped back and engraved rosettes with Cyrillic lettering on lid, circa 1891, bearing Moscow city mark, marked 84 silver, maker's mark "PK" in Cyrillic; the third having pierced back with engraved scrolling decoration with swag across back, marked 84 silver, maker's mark "AI" in Cyrillic; the fourth with a pierced back and engraved floral swag, 1891, bearing Moscow city mark, marked 84 silver, maker's mark "AE" in Cyrillic; approximate weight 14.20 ozt. Height 5 1/4 inches.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers