A group of 6 volumes pertaining to religion. Antwerp: Officina Plantiniana, 1653. 12mo., full leather. Wear and wormholing to binding; text clean. Venice: Aldus Manutuis, 1518. 32mo., full speckled leather, 3 raised bands. Library tape to backstrip; dampstaining to first 20 leaves; otherwise sound. London: J. Nicolson & W. Taylor, 1709. 32mo., full leather, 5 raised bands. Front board seaparated; wear to binding; text clean. Amsterdam: Peter Le Clert, 1692. 8vo., 3/4 leather-backed marbled boards. Foxing throughout; otherwise sound. Paris: Antonin Des-Hayes, 1729. 32mo., full leather, 5 raised bands. Chipping to boards and backstrip; text clean. By Rev. Samuel Davies Cochran. Oberlin, Ohio: Edward J. Goodrich, 1889. 8vo., full leather. Front board separating; backstrip lacking; bookplate tipped-in front pastedown; inscription to front endpaper; text clean.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers