by Jules Huret. Paris: Pierre Lafitte & Cie., 1911. Contains 180 plates of photographic illustrations. by Wilbur Macy Stone, ed. New York: Tonnelé & Co., 1902. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1903. Contains 5 photogravures by Harrison Fischer, and decorations throughout by George Wharton Edwards. By Georg Hirth. Munich: G. Hirth, n.d. (1899). Vol. 2 only. With 180 photographs and illustrations of 19th century furniture and decorative arts. By William J. Locke. Illustrated by Marcia Lane Foster. London: John Lane, 1924. Contains 8 colored plates. by Edward Penfield. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907. Contains 30 color illustrations. By Aleksis Rannit. Illustrated by Arno Vihalemm. (Lund): Eesti Kijanike Kooperative, 1969. One of 130 copies. Signed by the author and illustrator. New York: George Grady Press, 1936. One of 1,200 copies. Contains 132 photographic illustrations, lacking 84 illustrations. by Moses Samuel Levussove. New York: B.W. Huebsch, 1906. Contains 15 illustrations. By Madeleine Ley. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1935. First Edition. Illustrations by D'Edy Legrand. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1929. Fully illustrated with cartoons from The New Yorker. By John Burnet. London: H. Sotheran, 1880. Contains 24 black and white, and 8 hand-tinted color plates. With a group of 4 German novellas: by Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff. Vienna: Kunstverlag Anton Schroll & Co., n.d. (c1900). by Franz Grillparzer. Vienna: A. Schroll, n.d. (c1920). Contains 1

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