By Bernard Lewis. Pittsburgh: Department of Printing, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1941. One of 1600 copies. New York: Harry N. Abrams, n.d. (1990). By Vrest Orton. Chicago: Black Cat Press, 1939. One of 500 copies. Exeter, NH: The Colophon Book Shop, 1996. One of 1500 copies in wrappers. By Peter Ruber. New York: Candlelight Press, 1968. Signed. By J. Ben Lieberman. Council Bluffs, Ia. Yellow Barn Press, n.d. (1962). One of 215 copies. By Eugene Field. Illustrated by John DePol. Council Bluffs, Ia.: Yellow Barn Press, n.d. (1987). One of 120 copies. Inscribed by Neil Shaver. Ex libris William and May Graf, with bookplate. By Hamlin Garland. Illustrated by Gaylord Schanilec. Council Bluffs, Ia.: Yellow Barn Press, 1998. One of 150 copies. Kirkwood, Mo.: The Printery, 1975. One of 225 copies. By Frank Colebrook. William S. Peterson, ed. Illustrated by John DePol. Council Bluffs, Ia.: Yellow Barn Press, n.d. (1989). One of 200 copies with engraved frontispiece portrait of William Morris, printed in color directly from engraving.

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