comprising 2 unmarked saucers, 17 Haviland saucers in three variations, 4 Haviland & Co. soups, a Bavarian "Harvest" plate, 2 Thomas Bavarian "Serves" plates, a Racine Bavarian bread plate, a Limoges demitasse cup and saucer, an Imperial Crown china soup, a Nippon bread tray, a Meito China large tray, a Black Towers china tray, a Carlsbad imported covered dish with undertray, 4 RS Prussia demitasse cups, a Theodore Haviland handled tray with rocaille border, 2 Louis Strauss and Sons bowls, 2 bowls marked Charles Field Haviland, a Rosenthal rectangular tray, a Limoges rectangular tray, a bowl marked IPF Germany, and a Bavarian sugar bowl, lacking cover, approximately 56 pieces. Length of largest 16 inches.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers