A collection of four Mr. John hats: a white silk bonnet with elastic band at back and "Mr. John" label; a navy blue silk bonnet with ribbon ties at back and Mr. John satin lining and label; a cream cotton toque with a flat top and Mr. John satin lining; and a brown, green, and deep red batik print muslin turban. Elastic band at nape of neck, Mr. John label at crown interior. Mr. John famously did the millinery work for Gone With the Wind (MGM, 1939). Appears in the book Greta Garbo: The Mystery of Style edited by Stefania Ricci (Milan: Skira, 2010) and previously exhibited: Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, Greta Garbo: The Mystery of Style , February through September 2010. Categories: Greta Garbo

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