A document from Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689) to Joachim of Wickfort written in Latin. This was given to Greta Garbo by Count and Countess Nils and Horke Wachtmeister. Garbo famously played the monarch in Queen Christina (MGM, 1933). The document translates to "To Joachim of Wickfort, the noble and to us very dear Resident of the most Illustrious Landgrave of Hassia [Hesse] at the Two States-General of the Belgian Federation./5 July 1651/Royal letter of Sweden [page 2] Christina Queen of Sweden sends this to Joachim of Wickfort, Resident of the Landgrave of Hesse (Hassia), because she owes him gratitude./ Christina, by the grace of God Queen of the Swedes, the Goths, and the Vandals, the Great Princess of Finland, the Duchess of Estonia, Karelia, Bremen, Verden, West (Stettin-area) Pomerania, Cassubia and Vandalia, the Princess of Rugen, and the Mistress of Ingria and Wismar, etc, [writes]:/ Our unique grace and favor to you, noble man, truly dear to us: Through a great many proofs, chiefly, through the reliable report of our noble, truly faithful Secretary Laurentius Cantersten, we know well how much zeal and concern you have in looking after all those things which you decide to arrange for our use and convenience in Belgium. We are not able to omit that we have gratitude for you in these matters, nor that we declare our most benevolent favor for you; nor will we abandon our previous warm feelings toward you./ Bearing this in mind, we ask you kindly, since we know Read more…

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