A complete costume worn by Anubis, played by Carlos Lauchu, in Stargate (Carolco, 1994). Anubis was the humanoid leader of the Horus Guards of Ra who wore an elaborate costume resembling the jackal-headed god of Egyptian mythology. This costume, worn by Lauchu, consists of a large latex static headpiece with leather detailing, large rubber collar, green knit cotton top and purple knit cotton kilt with green trunks sewn into them. The costume also has intricately detailed sandals with attached vambraces, gauntlets and bicep cuffs and sectional rubber belt with inset faux jewels and detail painted to resemble bronze with patina detailing. Also included is hand wrap that served as an activation device for the film’s Transportation Rings. The handpiece is a chainmail fingerless glove with a detailed rubber back with a large inset glass stone. The glove is completed with five metal fingertip claws attached to rings to hold them in place. One of the ears has been professionally replaced after being damaged. Accompanied by a copy of the film. Tallest, 55 inches Categories: STARGATE
Juliens Auctions