A group of 10 photographs signed by cast members of Star Wars (20th Century Fox, 1977): a Mark Hamill signed black and white publicity image; a Mark Hamill signed and Carrie Fisher facsimile signed magazine image; three publicity images signed by Kenny Baker, who played R2-D2 and Paploo the Ewok in Return of the Jedi (20th Century, 1983); a David Prose signed Darth Vader publicity image; a Jeremy Bulloch signed Boba Fett image; two Peter Mayhew signed Chewbacca images; and a color photograph of Carrie Fisher and Darth Vader inscribed by Fisher: "For John, The only human being who would dig up this photo and haunt me with it. From that happy wacky gal whose [sic] been in analyses for 5 years & from this pic you'd never guess merry xmas Psychotically yours, Carrie (Princess 'L')." Largest, 15 1/2 by 12 1/2 inches Categories: Star Wars

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