A lot of costume and makeup materials for the character Horus, played by Djimon Hounsou in Stargate (Canal+, Centropolis Film Productions, 1994). Includes a life cast head and shoulders bust of Hounsou with detailed sculpt of the skull cap worn under the Horus headpiece. A lined rubber headpiece and rubber collar, jeweled helmet dangle, a pair of foam arm cuffs, a pair of plated plastic gauntlets, rubber sandals, fiberglass belt, front and rear belt drape material with notation “Chuck as Djimon” noting this piece was from a stunt costume worn by Chuck Jefferys as Horus, and a large chrome-plated over plastic shell which hangs from Hounsou’s belt. Also included is the rubber mold with outer fiberglass mother mold for the face of the Horas mask as well as the front half of a solid rubber slush mold for an approximately 3” face for the Horas character, likely used as the pilot of the miniature flying attack crafts. Categories: STARGATE
Juliens Auctions