An uncut sheet of ad cards for the 1971 Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier Heavyweight Championship fight known as The Fight of the Century. This extremely rare, potential one-of-a-kind sheet of four uncut black and green ad cards varies greatly from the more common individual yellow colored ad cards produced for the fight. The posters feature images of Ali and Frazier posed with boxing gloves and read “No Radio…‘The Fight’…No Home TV/ Madison Sq. Garden Mon. March 8th/ 15 Rounds for the Heavyweight Championship of the World/ Joe Frazier/ Phila. – Undefeated World Heavyweight Champion/ 1964 Olympic Champion/ vs./ Muhammad/ Ali/ Louisville – Undefeated Former Heavyweight Champion/ 1960 Olympic Champion/ Plus/ Other heavyweight star bouts.” The bottom right of each poster includes “Murray, Poster Printing Co., Inc. 521 W. 23rd St. N.Y. 10011.” In addition, the posters were used in a scene taking place in Mike Tyson's bedroom in the film The Hangover (Warner Bros., 2009). The uncut sheet is signed by Ali on the second poster from the top in blue marker. Accompanied by a certificate of registration from Online Authentics. 35 by 12 inches PROVENANCE From the Collection of Harlan Werner Categories:

Juliens Auctions