A group of eight blouses, seven ankle-length skirts, nine hats, and seven pairs of walking shoes. The clothing includes a pink tightly-pleated button down blouse by "Reasa Martin," a white v-neck pullover with wovn upper half, a hot pink blouse, a greyish-blue "Jones New York Sport" button-down blouse, a grey blouse with intricate print, a red and blue striped chambray shirt by "Blueprint," a red checkered "Jennifer George" shirt, a white Marshall Rousso button-down shirt with tennis patterns, three skirts from "Brigitta Beverly Hills" in cherry red, violet-blue, and blue; a pink skirt with "Custom Made by Julie Richter" label, and two unlabeled skirts in hot pink and white. The hats include six cloches in reversible pink and purple, pink and white checkered, blue and white checkered, yellow with floral band, reversible green and blue, and white with "Dream Seeker" on the front; two green visors with "Diller Gin" on the front, and a black baseball cap with "Channel Cat" on the front. The shoes are in blue, deep pink, pink, purple, white, yellow, and green. Categories: Phyllis Diller

Juliens Auctions