A group of seven sweaters and seventeen skirts, in varying shades of pink. The sweaters include two woven pullovers by “Renee Hauer” in brink pink and French rose; a baby pink woven pullover with “Across America by Knit Maven” label; a pink and white pullover with sewn-on decorative pieces and dangling beads by “Eda Michelle”; a cerise pink button-down by “Erik Stewart”; a sleeveless magenta terrycloth blouse; and two button-down sweaters in pink and salmon pink, no labels. The skirts include a ruby pink “Jacques Moret”; an Italian-made salmon pink leather skirt; three heavily pleated skirts by “Evan Picone,” “Clifford & Wills,” and “Judy’s”; two-toned skirts by “All Points by Reference Points” and “Andrea Jovine”; a sheer skirt with pink stripes; and unlabeled skirts in pink, amaranth pink, coral pink, ruby pink velvet, deep pink, salmon pink, and brink pink. Categories: Phyllis Diller

Juliens Auctions