Eldest son of Denethor, the steward of Gondor, and older brother to Faramir, Boromir was a powerful warrior and skilled swordsman. Captain of the Gondorian Army, Boromir was commanded by his father to attend the Council of Elrond in Rivendell where he agreed to represent his people alongside the The Fellowship in their quest to destroy The One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom. In a single moment of weakness, Boromir attempted to take the One Ring from the appointed ringbearer, Frodo Baggins, leading to a fracturing of the Fellowship, and ultimately his own death. Boromir gave his life defending the hobbits, Merry and Pippin from Saruman’s Urukhai tasked with retrieving The One Ring for their master at the climax of The Fellowship of the Ring (New Line Cinema, 2001). The blade of Boromir’s big, broad, sword is made from lightweight aluminum and the resin hilt of this prop was created from molds taken from the original hero prop, as was the accompanying solid urethane scabbard. Both hilt and scabbard were hand-painted and weathered by the skilled craftsman at Weta Workshop during the production of The Lord of the Rings trilogy (New Line Cinema, 2001, 2002, 2003). These props were part of a collection of authentic production created movie props procured by official New Line Cinema licensee, United Cutlery from Weta Workshop and Three Foot Six Productions between 1999-2004 for reference in producing a collectible replica version for fans of the film franchise. The sword and scabb

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