A collection of approximately 32 toy soldiers originally displayed in Jonathan Winters' den, including a late 19th century plaster and papier mâché French officer doll; a Michael Sutty porcelain figure of a 5th Lancer, signed on the underside; a trio of German porcelain soldiers, including a Sitzendorf Grenadier guard, a Dresden Porcelain officer of the 3rd Guards, and a Sitzendorf 79th Cameron Highlander; two wood soldiers carved by Cliff Arquette, a.k.a. Charley Weaver, featuring a U.S. Marine figure that greatly resembles Jonathan Winters; together with a figure wearing 15th century Italian armor, various toy soldiers including a group of King & Country figures, and several other composite model soldiers. Largest, 24 by 10 by 4 inches PROVENANCE From the Estate of Jonathan Winters Categories: Jonathan Winters

Juliens Auctions