A collection of images and signatures of American military aviation heroes, including a black and white photograph of Captain Eddie Rickenbacker sitting with Jonathan Winters at an awards luncheon, framed with a note that reads "With my best wishes to Jonathan Winters, Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker 1918/1961"; a black and white photograph of Rickenbacker standing next to his WWI biplane, signed in ink upper left "Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, 1931"; a framed magazine image of an aircraft carrier inscribed upper right "To Jonathan Winters with fondest memories of Dayton, Ben Kelsey," also signed "Roscoe Turner," both former holders of the Transcontinental air speed record, and an additional unidentified signature. Affixed to the image is a photograph of General Doolittle and a note inscribed "To Jonathan, in appreciation of his fine cooperation, J.H. Doolittle, April 15- 1967- (Oakland, Calif)"; a framed pair of images, one showing the Space Shuttle Enterprise, signed "To my pal Jonathan, Lowell [?]," the other showing General Doolittle in uniform, signed "To Jonathan Winters, from his sincere good friend, Jim Doolittle" with the further notation "Dec 10 - 1976, on Gen. Doolittle's 80th Birthday"; a black and white photograph of Doolittle in uniform, inscribed upper right "To Jean McNeil: with every good wish, J.H. Doolittle." Framed, largest, 23 1/2 by 16 inches PROVENANCE From the Estate of Jonathan Winters Categories: Jonathan Winters

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