A pair of books, one a gift from Mimi Pollak, the other Pollak's memoirs. Pollak and Greta Garbo began their acting careers together in Sweden at The Royal Dramatic Theatre in 1922 and remained friends for the next 60 years. The first book is Dikter by Karin Boye (Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Forlag), inscribed on flyleaf in Swedish that translates to "Merry Christmas/ Mimi/ And Happy New Year!/ Read! Read! Page 15 and all of the rest" with a sticker that reads "God Jul" and signed "Mimi" with an additional sticker showing Mauritz Stiller. The second book is titled Teaterlek (Askild & Karnekull Forlg) and is the memoir of Pollak. Categories: Greta Garbo

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