A collection of 12 books of classic literature from Greta Garbo's library: For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway printed in special edition from the Princeton University Press, numbered 1221, 1942; The Trial by Franz Kafka (Modern Library, New York); The Red and The Black by Stendhal (Modern Library, New York); The Moon and Six - Pence by W.S. Maugham (Modern Library, New York); Man's Fate by Andre Malraux (Modern Library, New York); The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner (Modern Library, New York); Die Erzahlungen by Carl Zuckerman (S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt); Mine Own Executioner by Nigel Balchin (Collins, Toronto); Oscar Wilde : His Life & Confessions by Frank Harris (Covici Friede, New York); Oscar Wilde : His Life and Confessions Volume II by Frank Harris (printed and published by the author); Bernard Shaw by Frank Harris (Simon and Schuster, New York); Ernest Hemingway : A Life Story by Carlos Baker (Scribner's, New York). Categories: Greta Garbo

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