A group of eight United States John F. Kennedy half dollars minted in 1965, 1969, 1971, 1978, 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1989. Greta Garbo was invited to visit the Kennedy White House in 1963, just a few days before President Kennedy's assassination. While visiting, Garbo was given a gift by the president that became a mystery after the president's death. Kennedy had a scrimshaw collection that was fully inventoried during his time in the White House. After his death, a whale's tooth was found to be missing. For many years it was unknown where the whale tooth had gone until a John F. Kennedy Library and Museum librarian found a thank-you letter from Garbo to Jackie Kennedy. In part, "It was a most unusual evening for me that I spent with you in the White House," Garbo wrote to Jacqueline Kennedy. "It was really fascinating and enchanting. I might believe it was a dream if I did not have in my possession the President's ‘tooth’ facing me." The gift was a spontaneous gesture on the part of the president and never recorded. Garbo was enamored of the president and deeply saddened by his death. She kept these coins in his honor. Categories: Greta Garbo

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