Sven Stolpe's Dag Hammarskjolds Andliga Vag (Other Road) (Stockholm: Tilldensforlag, 1964), inscribed in Swedish to Harriet Brown (Garbo's alias); various authors, Arvet Fran Hammarskjold (Stockholm: Gummessons Bokforlag, 1961), inscribed in Swedish "To the Godly One"; and Dag Hammarskjold's Vag Marken (Stockholm: Albert Bonniers, 1963). "The Godly One" was Garbo's Swedish moniker. Hammarskjold, who was Secretary General for the United Nations, was a close friend of Garbo's; they often dined together at the UN for lunch or at the Secretary General's residence for dinner. Largest, 8 3/4 by 5 3/4 inches Categories: Greta Garbo

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