A collection of books and magazines relating to the life and career of Greta Garbo. Present are 10 magazines dating from 1933-1990, including Photoplay , Screen Romances , Look , Pic , People , and Sight and Sound , among others. A group of 16 books, including Album de Cinlandia edited by Lucio A. Villegas (Los Angeles: American Publishing Company, 1928); The Private Life of Greta Garbo by Rilla Page Palmborg (New York: Doubleday, 1931); The Life Story of Greta Garbo by Mary Margaret McBride (New York: Star Library Publications, 1933); Greta Garbo : Ein Wunder in Bildern (Carl Schnemann/Roger Hoger, 1937); Greta Garbo : The Story of a Specialist by E.E. Laing (London: John Gifford Limited, 1946); Garbo by John Bainbridge (New York: Doubleday, 1955); Garbo : A Biography by Fritiof Billquist (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1960); Hollywood Legends : The Life and Films of Humphrey Bogart and Greta Garbo edited by Robert Osbourne (1967); Greta Garbo by Raymond Durgnat and John Kobal (New York: EP Dutton, 1967); Garbo by Norman Zierold (New York: Stein and Day, 1969); Greta Garbo : Portraits 1920 - 1951 (New York: Rizzoli, 1985); among others. Also present is a 1964 album, Garbo ! The Original Soundtrack Recordings , an Anna Karenina advertisement in Ladies Home Journal , and other miscellaneous brochures relating to Garbo's career. Categories: Greta Garbo

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