A love letter and envelopes handwritten by Michael Jordan to Amy Hunter. Jordan wrote the letter in pencil on two different pads of paper, seeming to have run out of room on the first pad. The pads are headed "Guest Quarters/ Suite Hotels" and on the bottom is written "850 Tower Drive Troy, MI 48098 (313) 879-7500." The Guest Quarters Suite Hotel in Troy is now the Embassy Suites Hotel. In the letter, Jordan writes, "Amy, if I was Michael Jordan/ the ordinary man with a 9 to 5/ job then it wouldn't be hard/ to admit my mistake. But instead I am Michael Jordan who is/ put on a pedestal and view to/ be the perfect role model to a lot of people not just kids/ but whole families." Jordan ends the letter by writing, "Amy, I love you so much!!!/ Well, I know this was long/ but I think you deserve a long letter. Is so much more I want/ to say but I tire of writing, plus/ there is no more paper/ (on the back) Amy, I will always/ love you until the day/ I die!!/ Michael." The letters are accompanied by two envelopes, both addressed to Hunter at her New York City apartment. One has the return address from The Westin Hotel in Indianapolis and the other from a Chicago address. The Chicago address envelope is signed by Michael Jordan in blue ink. The main envelope is postmarked from Charlotte, N.C., and dated July 11, 1989. PROVENANCE From the Collection of Amy Hunter Categories:

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