A group of 22 biographies and autobiographies by mostly British performers and luminaries, stamped “Property of Stan Laurel” or stamped “Stan Laurel” with his address in California. The books include I Had To Be Wee by Georgie Wood (Great Britain: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., date unknown) with an inscription on the loose endpaper from Wood to Stan Laurel, dated 1949; Marie Lloyd Queen of the Music Halls by W. Macqueen-Pope (Great Britain, Jarrold and Sons Limited, date unknown); On the Stage An Autobiography by George Arliss (London: John Murray, 1928); Curtain Call for the Guv’nor Biography of George Edwardes by Ursula Bloom (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1954); Mr . Showbusiness : The Autobiography of Vic Oliver (London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1954); A Star Danced by Gertrude Lawrence (Garden City, New York: Double Day, Doran and Co. Ltd., 1945) with an inscription on the loose endpaper “For Stan Laurel from a great admirer – Jacquie Pesse April 20 1946”; Prime Minister of Mirth : The Biography of Sir George Robey , C . B . E . by A.E. Wilson (London: Odhams Press Limited, 1956); Born to Star : The Lupino Lane Story by James Dillon White (London: Heinemann Ltd., 1957); With A Wrinkle In My Eye by Clarkson Rose (London: Museum Press Limited, 1951); Meet Me at the Savoy by Jean Nicol (London: Museum Press Limited, 1952); Before I Forget by Albert Chevalier (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1901); I Saw Stars by R.E. Kingsley (Scotlan

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