A group of three costume sketches from the caravan sequence in Salome (Columbia, 1953). All mixed media on tracing/tissue paper. All are taped to matte board. The first is inscribed "Ms Lee 3rd Girl 1" to the matte board and on tissue lower right corner "OK MSHEETS #2012"on bottom of matte board "JEAN LOUIS (SP) PLEASE PUT THESE IN WORK M.L. #2012." The second has three fabric swatches stapled to board top right-hand corner of matte board. The center left of tissue is inscribed "CARAVAN," the center right "dyed fuchsia," and bottom right corner of tissue "#2017 OK M SHEETS." The third does not have any inscriptions. Costume designer Jean Louis. Tissue, 16 by 13 inches; Matte board, 20 by 15 inches Categories:

Juliens Auctions