A group of 15 garments from the Travilla Separate Thoughts and YT lines: a gown with a black crepe bodice and full black and white satin skirt labeled "YT by Travilla," size 6; a gold lamé halter top inspired by the gown Travilla designed for Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (20th Century, 1953) labeled "YT," size 6; a blazer covered with jet-like sequins, a Separate Thoughts label has been removed, size 14; a black satin blazer with gold dots of glitter labeled "Separate Thoughts," size 6, accompanied by a black satin skirt, size 6; a scarlet pleated crepe peasant blouse labeled "Separate Thoughts," size S; a sheer tangerine bolero with petal-like fringe labeled "Separate Thoughts," size 8; a cream satin dickey labeled "Separate Thoughts"; a sheer blouse with fawn dots that ties at the waist, no label present, size 4; a cream sheer silk blouse with a tan waistband labeled "Separate Thoughts," size 4; a pair of chocolate satin trousers labeled "Separate Thoughts," size 4; a white lace blouse embellished with opalescent sequins labeled "Separate Thoughts," size 4; a black velvet maxi skirt labeled "Separate Thoughts," no size present; a black crepe camisole, no label present, size 14; and a cream crepe camisole labeled "Separate Thoughts," size 4. PROVENANCE From the Estate of William Travilla Categories:

Juliens Auctions