A large personal archive of Cyd Charisse's. The group includes 11 magazines from the 1950s and 1960s; a paperback copy of Party Girl with Charisse on the cover; a group of cards, correspondences, and invitations from friends, family, and professional relations; Grand Hotel bound script dated 1989; a letter from Ann Richards, former Texas governor; a Tony Martin tribute book; a 2006 bound date book with inscriptions; a 2000 Tiffany & Co. date book in box, no inscriptions; a black and white photograph of Charisse and Martin in a leather frame; commercial sheet music for "Louisiana Hayride" and "Here"; Easy to Love (MGM, 1953) 53-602 and Mark of the Renegade (Universal, 1951) 51/311 lobby cards; newspaper clippings; three X-rays from 2001; 1957 Special Citation from the Society of Illustrators to Cyd Charisse; a certificate to Charisse from AFI; a plaque from Bob Stupak inviting Charisse to the opening of the Stratosphere on April 29, 1996; a 2003 medallion presented to Charisse as Music Center Distinguished Artist; publicity images; a videocassette box set of That's Entertainment ; a hardback copy of The Two of Us ; and many additional items. PROVENANCE From the Estate of Cyd Charisse Categories:

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