An archive of four binders of information pertaining to the wives and leading ladies of Rudolph Valentino including a binder titled "Marriage Divorce Natacha Rambova" containing press clippings and articles, a typed biography, and photocopies of the death certificate of Rambova; a binder titled "Marriage Divorce Jean Acker"; a binder titled "Articles about leading ladies Volume B" with press clippings relating to Nita Naldi, Alla Nazimova, and Pola Negri; and a binder titled "Articles about leading ladies Volume A" with press clippings relating to Agnes Ayres, Vilma Banky, Lillian Gish, Mae Murray, and others. Binders, 12 by 10 inches PROVENANCE From The Leslie Flint Educational Trust, Ex-collection of The Valentino Memorial Guild Categories:

Juliens Auctions