An archive of 11 binders of information pertaining to Rudolph Valentino including binders titled "Books and Biographie [Biography] Book Reviews 1950-1966"; "Articles Published 1951-"; "Articles in French Spanish German Swedish"; "Monuments Places Named after Valentino Sculpture Valentino awards Valentino Exhibition Museums"; "Clothes Jewellery [Jewelry] Art Armour Mrs. Tulls collection"; "Advts. Hotels Fashion Charity relics Art plates Recipes"; "Poems dedicated to Valentino What the Fans say Birthday cards etc."; "Articles published 1920-1950"; "Volume I FILMS: General articles and comments"; "Duplicates Valentino's Personal Volumes 9-16"; and an untitled binder. Binders, 12 by 10 inches PROVENANCE From The Leslie Flint Educational Trust, Ex-collection of The Valentino Memorial Guild Categories: Rudolph Valentino

Juliens Auctions