A plastic mask made famous in the Scream film franchise (Dimension, 1996, 1997, 1999) with cape worn by three of the lead actors in the film: Neve Campbell, Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard. The mask glows in the dark and has mesh covering the eyes, allowing the wearer to see out. Stamped “© Fun World Div.” with attached black hood that attaches with Velcro to the hood of the accompanying black cape. Cape ties at a slight v-neck and is comprised of black and black metallic thread. Sleeves are winged with intentionally tattered fabric and end in gloves. Additional tatters at the bottom hem. Accompanied by a signed copy of the original sketch design from costume designer Cynthia Bergstrom. While 12 versions of this costume were made, this was the primary hero costume. PROVENANCE From the Collection of Cynthia Bergstrom Categories:

Juliens Auctions