A group of five books: The Norlin Book of Lyrics (Stockholm, Norlin Förlag, 1950) with two Swedish inscriptions on the loose endpaper, one dated 1951; a translated copy of Åke and his World by Bertil Malmberg (New York, Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1940) with an inscription on the loose endpaper; Du I Mina Tankar by Aléxia Ring with an inscription on the loose endpaper by illustrator Ingrid Huber-Ring and a four-page letter in Swedish from Huber-Ring addressed to Greta Garbo and dated "7/9 1977 [sic]; and two copies of Vägen , Sanningen Och Livet by Helmer Paulig (Stockholm: Alfa Boktryckeri AB, 1963 and 1964), both with Swedish inscriptions on the title page. Largest, 12 3/4 by 8 1/4 inches PROVENANCE From the Estate of Greta Garbo Categories: Greta Garbo

Juliens Auctions