An archive of approximately 2130 images from 236 dramatic films produced between 1950 and 1955. This archive includes a folder for each film with varying numbers or original, re-release and copies of images in each. The folders contain one or more: black and white promotional stills, scene stills, wardrobe test stills, colorized stills, and lobby cards, images by photographers: Oliver Sigurdson, Ernest Bachrach, Crosby, Coburn, Lippman, Bert Six, Mal Julian, Pat Clark, Rod Tolmie, Van Pelt, and Cronenweth. Detailed information available upon request. Films include: About Mrs. Leslie (Paramount, 1954); Above and Beyond (MGM, 1952); Affairs of Messalina (Columbia, 1951); After Midnight (Captain Carey, U.S.A.)" (Paramount, 1950); Air Cadet (Universal, 1950); The All American (Universal, 1957); "All That Heaven Allows (Universal, 1955); "Almost Married (Universal, 1952); An Annapolis Story (Allied Artists, 1955); Assignment: Paris (Columbia, 1952); Back to God's Country (Universal, 1952); The Bad and The Beautiful (MGM, 1952); Bad Day at Black Rock (MGM, 1955); Bagdad on The Subway (Full House)" (Fox, 1952) Bar Sinister (It's a Dog's Life)" (MGM, 1955); Baron of Arizona (Lippert, 1950); Beauty on Parade (Columbia, 1950); Beaver Valley (Disney, 1950; Because of You (Universal, 1952); Bedevilled (MGM, 1955) Bhowani Junction (MGM, 1955); Big House, USA (UA, 1955); The Big Tip Off (UA, 1955); The Bigamist (Filmmakers, 1953); The Blue Lamp (Eagle Lion, 1950); The Blue Ve Read more…

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