A pair of multi-signed scorecards from the 1970 National League Championship Series (NLCS) between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Cincinnati Reds. The Pirates scorecard is signed by five players: Danny Murtaugh, Willie Stargell, Rich Hebner, Gene Alley and Jim "Mudcat" Grant. The Cincinnati Reds scorecard is signed by six Reds players: Pete Rose, Bobby Tolan, Tommy Helms, Ty Cline, Gary Nolan and Johnny Bench. All signatures are in blue ink. The group also includes two 1970 Field passes from Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; an official program from the 1970 NLCS; and a Cincinnati Reds Series Eligible's Guide. Accompanied by two letters of authenticity from PSA/DNA. Largest, 11 by 8 1/2 inches PROVENANCE From the Collection of Whalen "Whaley" Monica Categories:

Juliens Auctions