Beloved by his people and feared by his enemies in Middle-earth, Elendil was a fierce warrior and noble king of the Númenóreans, who could not be swayed by Sauron’s corrupting influence. Wielding the mighty sword Narsil, King Elendil led an Alliance of Elves and Men against the Dark Lord, Sauron’s massive host at the end of the Second Age of Middle-earth. With Narsil shattered at his feet, Elendil was killed when Sauron himself took to the battlefield. It was then that Elendil’s son, Isildur took up his father’s broken sword and severed the One Ring of Power from Sauron’s hand, destroying Sauron’s physical form and the source of his power, for a time. King Elendil’s helmet was similar to that of his Númenórean infantry, yet it had distinct, large wings attached to both the front and the back of the helmet and a nose guard decorated with the Tree of Gondor. This prop helmet was created from molds taken from the original metal hero prop and is made of urethane with a leather lined interior and was painted and weathered by the skilled craftsman at the Weta Workshop armory during the production of The Lord of the Rings trilogy (New Line Cinema 2001, 2002, 2003). This prop was part of a collection of authentic production-created movie props procured by official New Line Cinema licensee, United Cutlery directly from Weta Workshop and Three Foot Six Productions between 1999-2004 for reference in producing a collectible replica version for fans of the film franchise. 12 by 12 inche

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