A group of seven black and white images of The Beatles from the early to mid-1960s including an image of John Lennon sipping from a teacup, marked on verso with a Star File Photo stamp; an image of Lennon and Paul McCartney beside a Pan Am airplane with a variety of cameras around their necks, marked on verso with a Star File stamp and handwritten notation that reads “Gloria Stavers”; two images of George Harrison with cameras around his neck, both stamped “Star File” with a notation that reads “Gloria Stavers,” one image with a snipe identifying that Harrison is at Kennedy Airport; a pair of images of Lennon playing guitar on stage, both with Star File stamps and sticker identifying the photographer as Günter Zint and dating the photograph as having been taken in 1966; and an image of all four of The Beatles- Lennon, McCartney and Ringo Starr waving to the crowd as Harrison looks on. A snipe on verso dates the last photograph to February 1964 and explains that the musicians are at Heathrow Airport heading to America. Also present on verso: Star File stamp and Pictorial Press Ltd. sticker. Largest 10 by 8 inches Categories: The Beatles

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