A large collection of documents from the personal files of John Calley relating to the production of the controversial Mick Jagger film Performance (Goodtimes Enterprises, 1970) comprising numerous telegrams, letters, inter-office memos, budget estimates, press clippings, and reviews (vintage Xerographs and originals) detailing the film's creation from the early days of filming to its theatrical release. The collection includes scores of irreverent notes written by production manager Ray Anzarut, several of which document delays in shooting due to an alleged abortion by co-star Anita Pallenberg, whose explicit sex scenes with Jagger in the film were speculated as being real and were the source of intense feuding between Jagger and fellow Rolling Stones member Keith Richards, with whom Pallenberg was in a relationship at the time. Largest, 14 by 8 1/2 inches PROVENANCE From the Estate of John Calley Categories: Mick Jagger

Juliens Auctions