An original script for the Jerry Lewis comedy film The Nutty Professor (Paramount, 1963), from the personal collection of Stella Stevens, who costars in the film as the love interest Stella Purdy. Bound in oxblood leather with a leather bookplate affixed to the front pastedown, bearing a gilt-stamped inscription that reads "With respect and Affection/ Always, Jerry/ 1962." The script contains multicolored pages and numerous passages underlined in pencil. Accompanying this lot is an original production call sheet for October 9, 1962, and a group of vintage recordings. including a pair of open-reel tapes and several acetate records containing versions of a theme song written by Stella Stevens and Jack Ackerman that was intended for the film but apparently was never used. PROVENANCE From the Collection of Stella Stevens Script, 11 8 5/8 inches Categories: The Nutty Professor

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