A New Era brand Houston Astros baseball cap game worn by Nolan Ryan. The blue cap features the Astros 3-D puff embroidered "H" logo over an orange star. The interior of the cap features a leather sweatband, with New Era manufacturing tag stitched into the back with size "7 1/4" flap tag. The New Era tag places this hat's manufacturing period in the late 1980s, meaning Ryan most likely wore this hat in the latter part of his Astros career. Written on the underside of the cap bill in black marker is Ryan's uniform number "34." Ryan has signed the bill of the cap in silver marker. A Nolan Ryan hologram is affixed to the cap bill, with no certificate present. Ryan was an eight-time MLB All-Star, and his 5,714 career strikeouts rank first in baseball history by a significant margin. ESTIMATE $600-800 Categories:

Juliens Auctions