A black satin jacket signed by Michael Jackson. The jacket is embroidered with the LA Gear license plate logo at the left breast and embroidered “Bubbles” on the right breast. A round LA Gear logo is across the back; maker label reads “Steven’s Outerwear Bad Boys.” Size small. Fifty percent of the proceeds earned from the sale of this item will be donated to Bubbles' continued care at the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula, Florida. The Center for Great Apes is a nonprofit organization that maintains a permanent sanctuary for orangutans and chimpanzees that have been used in entertainment or kept as pets by private owners. Bubbles has lived with other chimpanzees at the Center since 2005 and is now 26 years old and weighs about 180 pounds. Bubbles has a sweet nature and spends time babysitting the younger chimps and enjoys splashing in the big tubs of his habitat. Categories: Michael Jackson

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