A collection of documents from the personal files of John Calley relating to the production of the Stanley Kubrick horror film The Shining (Warner Bros. , 1980), including telex correspondence and inter-office memos (primarily vintage xerographs). Significantly present is the pink copy of the original telex memo sent to Kubrick from Calley wherein Calley first introduces Kubrick to the Stephen King book "The Shine" [ The Shining ] and suggests that he might make it into "a remarkable movie." The collection also contains a xerographed memo requesting 44 cans of tuna fish be shipped to England along with Jack Nicholson’s personal belongings; contractual negotiations between Nicholson and Warner Brothers; a crew list; and xerographed correspondence documenting tensions between Kubrick and the studio over the film’s lack of a clear budget. Includes a DVD of the film. PROVENANCE From the Estate of John Calley Largest, 14 by 8 1/2 inches Categories: The Shining

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