A group of Marilyn Monroe invoices, bills and two checks. The group includes a pair of checks from the Colonial Trust Company of New York, the first is blank except for the check number “21,” the other is dated April 14, 1956, and has been made out to Dr. C. Russell Anderson but is unsigned, written in an unknown hand; a Jurgensen’s Grocery Company invoice from April 1961 and promotional flyer, return envelope and original transmittal envelope; an invoice from Beverly Hills Music Company dated May 1961 for 28 LPs purchased by Monroe, with itemized slip, return envelopes and original transmittal envelope; an invoice from Au Petit Jean restaurant from April 1961, with original transmittal envelope; and insured postage receipts from the United States Post Office from 1956. PROVENANCE From the lost archive of Marilyn Monroe Largest, 5 3/4 by 11 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

Juliens Auctions