A collection of fifteen books about Marilyn Monroe: Marilyn and Me by Susan Strasberg (Hardcover with DJ, 1st Printing - Time Warner, NY, 1992) inscribed by Strasberg, and with a color photograph of her at the signing; The Last Sitting by Bert Stern (Hardcover with DJ, 1st Printing - William Morrow, NY, 1982); The Birth of Marilyn (Hardcover with DJ, 1st Printing - St. Martin's, NY, 1991); along with a group of seven black & white photographic images of costume designs for the Monroe comedy classic Some Like It Hot (Ashton Productions, 1959); as well as a DVD of the film Home Town Story (MGM, 1951); a cassette tape recording labeled "Mrs. Betty Nunez"; and two modern magazines featuring Marilyn on the cover. Only partially photographed. Largest, 12 3/4 by 10 1/4 by 5/8 inches PROVENANCE From the Collection of Glenn Brown Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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