A group of awards and plaques including a wood and metal sculpture presented to "Phyllis Diller A Great American Bar Gal Upstairs at Downey's March 24, 1981" from The Great American Bar Gang; a plaque with an image of Diller at the Great American Bar Extravaganza Steel Service Center annual meeting at the Atlanta Hilton on May 1981; a humorous certificate proclaming Diller as sole honorary member of the Misplaced Minnesota Fishing and Campfire Sitters Association with the title of senior vice president, signed by the various members; a Commonwealth of Wormingham certificate commissioning Diller as an honorary citizen, framed with a caricature of Diller; a certificate for Diller, lifetime member of The Omaha Happy Hog C. B.Club; a 1965 Pittsburgh Home Show plaque acknowledging Diller as "The lousiest housekeeper in America (but certainly the best loved!); two plaques that read "Good Luck Phyllis Diller" with a tribal figure on one and a Chinese character on the other; a "Diller"crest with painted horses on a wooden plaque; four wooden plaques with "93" on the front and signed "J.D. Sawchak" on verso; a wooden plaque with a painted green boot that reads "I'm In Love with Phyllis Diller!" signed "Sawchak" on the bottom left; a bronze-painted miniature statue of a military figure; and a painted King's Castle plaque with a proclamation "order'd in the name of the King by Sir Nathan of Jacobson." Sizes vary PROVENANCE Lot 1766, “Property from the Estate of Phyl

Juliens Auctions