A revised final script for Magnum Force (Warner Bros. , 1973) starring Clint Eastwood. The binder containing the script includes the shooting schedule, crew list and Magnum Force final draft script dated March 5, 1973, complete with the original studio-issued yellow cover, with “Warner Brothers Inc.” and “Magnum Force” printed in black ink. The script belonged to Special FX coordinator Sass Bedig, and his scene notations and highlights are included; for example, “Scene 104. EXT ALLEY; Harry levels the big .44 with both hands and BLASTS. The Cadillac swerves at Harry - ripping chrome strips off along the wall - there is no place to go. Harry lunges onto the hood almost smashing through the windshield doing so." This scene included Special FX that Sass Bedig oversaw during filming. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Categories:

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