A police uniform worn by Bruce Willis as Jeff Talley in Hostage (Miramax, 2005). The police uniform is distressed with faux blood and consists of a white T-shirt, grey police dress shirt with silver insignia, nameplate, badge, “Police Department Bristo Camino California” and American flag shoulder patches, black “Spiewak” police winter coat with matching shoulder patches, pouch pockets, and “sc. 102” handwritten on label in black ink and black police pants with “#2” written on the label. This uniform includes the following production hold tags, handwritten in black ink: dress shirt, “Jeff Talley, Bruce Willis, Sc. 45, Ch. 2, #2”; T-shirt, “Sc. #83, Bloody, Tee Shirt, Talley”; pants, “#1 Bloody Pants Talley." Willis wears this costume in scene 45 of the film; after being threatened by a group of masked men, Talley must return to the hostage situation in order to retrieve a disk or his family will be killed. The costume was acquired directly from the collection of Bruce Willis. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and a copy of the film. Categories: Bruce Willis

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