A costume worn by Bruce Willis as Lt. A.K. Waters in the film Tears of the Sun (Cheyenne, 2003). The heavily distressed uniform includes a woodland camouflage fatigue top with internal "Waters 1" inscribed in white fabric pen, a black T-shirt, a pair of woodland camouflage fatigue pants, a web belt with leg holster and ammunition pouch, a pair of Nomex gloves with fingers removed, a pair of army green socks, and a pair of 8” Danner tactical boots with "BW" handwritten inside the right boot. The distressed tactical vest includes a canteen, a large black karabiner clip, and prop fixed-blade tactical knife. A production hold tag with "Willis Project, Chtr. Waters, Rebel killings, Sc. 57 pt, left blood at knee, Hold” and "Description #1" on verso and a costumer tag with " ‘Waters’ #1 Pack Beginning to River Scene" are attached. Willis wears this costume as he and his platoon of Navy SEALs arrive with Dr. Kendricks (played by Monica Bellucci) and her refugee patients at the extraction site, only to force Dr. Kendricks to abandon her people. The costume was acquired directly from the collection of Bruce Willis. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and a copy of the film. Categories: Bruce Willis

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