An archive of entertainment materials from the estate of Ad Schaumer, an assistant director active in Hollywood between 1928 and 1966. The archive includes one script titled "Miracles Can Still Happen" that does not appear to have been produced, dated July 18, 1973; a program from the cabaret and banquet hall Lido in Paris, France; a film program for West Side Story (UA, 1961); the book How Were Things at the Office by Wright Everett (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1963); a 1974 copy of Films Incorporated ; a 1939 Folies Bergère souvenir program from San Francisco; an April 1949 copy of Action magazine, published by the 20th Century-Fox studio club; "Shine On Harvest Moon" sheet music; and a pamphlet titled "History of Hollywood." Sizes vary PROVENANCE From the Estate of Ad Schaumer EST. $100-200 Categories:

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