Eight printed concert itineraries dating from June 1974 to August 1977. The last tour was to start the day after Elvis died. June 1974 tour itinerary read, “From The Colonel,” accompanied by a hotel list. Other tour’s itineraries dated May 27–June 6, 1976; July 23–August 5, 1976, labeled “Tour #5”; December 27–31, 1976, labeled “Mini-Tour #9”; March 23–April 3, 1977, labeled “Tour #2”; May 20–June 2, 1977, labeled as “Tour #4”; June 17–26, 1977, framed separately and mounted with two buttons, one reads, “Elvis Show Member Dr. Nick,” the other “Elvis In Concert RCA Record Tours,” labeled as “Tour #5”; August 17–28, 1977. Many have been folded with handwritten notes. Toward the end of Elvis’ life the crew attempted to shorten the tour schedules in more compact areas to provide more rest for The King. Dr. Nick recalled the tours were very grueling for everyone. Accompanied by two yellow “Elvis Building Personnel” stickers, still in tact. Framed in five parts. A copy of “Dr. Nick’s™ Memories of Elvis” DVD accompanies this lot. In it, Dr. Nick discusses this item and the other items owned by him in this sale. Largest, 13 3/4 by 37 1/2 inches PROVENANCE From the Collection of Dr. Nick (George Nichopoulos), personal physician to Elvis Presley. Categories: Elvis Presley

Juliens Auctions