A. Crispo, Carlo Antonio e L’Eredità dei Procaccini, Paragone, vol. 49, 2003, pp. 46, 50, illus., fig. 50 (as by Ercole Procaccini, the Younger) Despite a successful career as a painter and teacher, and a recorded visit in 1667 by the celebrated art biographer Malvasia to the artist (see A. Arfelli, “Il viaggio del Mavasia a Milano e notizie su Ercole Procaccini il giovane,” Arte Antica e Moderna, vol. 13-16, 1961, pp. 470-76), Ercole Procaccini the Younger and his oeuvre have remained somewhat misunderstood by modern scholars. Some work has been recently undertaken by Alberto Crispo, who has dated the present painting to the late 1640’s/early 1650’s (see literature below). He includes the painting in a group of pictures of this period and slightly later that show the influence of Ercole’s uncle Giulio Cesare Procaccini, all of which he has since attributed to the artist. These include: a Saint Antony (Church of San Niccolò, Zanica, Province of Lombardy); a Triumph of David (private collection); a Four Marys Mourning over the Dead Christ; a Charity (Sale: Pitti, Florence, May 11-13, 1988); a Holy Family (Sale: Christie’s London, April 15, 1992, lot 168) and a Madonna and Child with Saints (Sale: Sotheby’s, London, October 18, 1995, lot 809). Categories: Cher

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