Acrylics on fiberglass, signed by Patrice Pike. This Gibson Guitar sculpture includes a photograph of Patrice Pike with the guitar. 10 by 3 1/2 feet Tracie Sutton is from Rockdale, Texas and has a BFA in Communication Design from Texas State University. The guitar titled "Piece of my Heart" is painted in acrylics using bright colors and an art poster style reflective of the late 60s and early 70s. Janis Joplin was a student at The University of Texas and got her musical start at Threadgill's here in Austin. Tracie said of her guitar: "As a female rock musician having started out here in Austin like Janis, Patrice was a steller choice for this guitar as the signing artist." “It’s so much fun to live a life of service through creativity and music and these guitars are a sweet physical representation of that. To sign the Janis Joplin guitar was an honor. When I met the visual artist the day I signed it, I was so happy to see that her spirit was so joyful. And then when I saw they had placed it right by Sweet Leaf Tea, a company that supports many good things, I felt these were all perfect connections. Another example of why Austin has remained dearest in my heart and kept me living here.” – Patrice Pike Photo of Patrice Pike courtesy of Mary Bruton Photo of Ms. Pike with guitar courtesy of Gibson Sponsored by: Sweet Leaf Tea Categories:

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