Oil based enamel on fiberglass, signed by Dwight Yoakam. This Gibson Guitar sculpture includes a photograph of Dwight Yoakham with the guitar. 10 by 3 1/2 feet. Leah Maxwell Most of my work is improvisational, which means I work without a plan or idea of how I want the piece to look when I’m finished. The less I try to control the outcome, the less I fuss with “getting it right,” the less I am concerned about making art, the more honest it feels to me. “Gibson’s use in the Austin GuitarTown project of the iconoclastic image that each one of their guitars represents as a major cornerstone of America’s and the world’s music history, past, present and future illustrates that not only do they understand the importance of each instrument’s functional, aesthetic and iconoclastic legacy, but that they are vigilantly aware of their responsibility as trustees for that legacy and of how Gibson guitars’ (in this case) monetary value, enhanced with the adornment by various painters and graphic artists, can be used as a tool to help society in ways that eclipse any boundaries that would limit their impact to musical expression and having an effect for change based on their contribution to the various charities that the proceeds of the sale of each guitar are pledged to benefit. I am proud to be associated with Gibson Guitar and in some small way in their efforts with the Austin GuitarTown project.” Dwight Yoakam Photo of Mr. Yoakam with guitar courtesy of Gibson Sponsored by: Clear Channe

Juliens Auctions